Events archive

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Past Events
26 Nov 2014

YPN Visit 2014 Assembleon

De steeds hogere eisen aan nauwkeurigheid en de mogelijkheid om verschillende producten door elkaar heen te kunnen bewerken, vragen om steeds nieuwe…

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26 Nov 2014

YPN Visit 2014 Assembleon- visitors report

The main driver is a change of strategy from the cost-driven market of bulk production to the more specs driven market of…

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2 Sep 2014

DSPE Conference 2014

This conference – by & for technologists, designers and architects in precision mechatronics – is targeted at companies and professionals that are…

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16 Jun 2014

Summer school Opto-Mechatronics

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12 Jun 2014

PIB – Demcon

Report on the Precision-in-Business Day: Demcon On 12 June 2014, over 60 people attended the Precision-in-Business day that DSPE had organised in…

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12 Jun 2014

PIB visits Demcon-2014- visitors report

CEO and co-founder Dennis Schipper kicked off with a short introduction on Demcon, highlighting its R&D business activities and its role as…

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6 Jun 2014

YPN visit 2014 Frenken visitor report

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28 Mar 2013 The Netherlands

YPN Visit 2014 VSL- Nederlands Meetinstituut

Location VSL Thijsseweg 11 2629 JA Delft   Program 13:45 Welkom en verzamelen 14:00 Inleiding DSPE en VSL 14:20 Wat is de…

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28 Mar 2013 The Netherlands


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1 Oct 2012 The Netherlands

YPN Visit 2012 ASML

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The Netherlands

Lunch Lecture October 4 hosted by VSL National Metrology Institute

Metrology for the Green Deal: characterization of Nanowire systems Nanowire systems show great potential as energy harvesting devices to create small amounts…

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The Netherlands

YPN registration

YPN                                          …

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The Netherlands

Knowledge Session 3D Printing – visitors report

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The Netherlands

Lunch Lecture October hosted by TU Delft

Design strategies for large range flexure mechanisms

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YPN visit to JPE

From the ins and outs of a cold chopper for astronomy to the latest developments in nanopositioning systems, YPN’s visit to JPE on 6 June was a unique opportunity to learn all about their impressive projects in custom system design.

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First ECP2 Silver certificate lays…

Recently, the first ECP2 Silver certificate was awarded. ECP2 is the European certified precision engineering course programme that emerged from a collaboration between euspen and DSPE.

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DSPE appoints Martin van den…

Upon his retirement from ASML, Martin van den Brink was appointed honorary member of DSPE.

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