Events archive

This page shows events from the past.

Past Events
25 Mar 2019

Gas Bearing Workshop 2019

PROGRAM flyer     This  third workshop shall bring together, – manufacturers and vendors of gas bearing components– companies employing gas bearings–…

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19 Mar 2019

Symposium Magnetoresistive Sensors and Magnetic System

15th Symposium “Magnetoresistive Sensors and Magnetic Systems”                       19./20. March 2019 in Wetzlar,…

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14 Mar 2019

YPN visist Thermo Fisher Scientific Electron Microscopy Solutions

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13 Mar 2019

Euspen LANDAMAP 2019

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25 Feb 2019

Lecture of prof Marty Culpepper of MIT

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14 Nov 2018

Precision Fair 2018

 On 14 and 15 November 2017, the 18th edition of the successful Precision Fair takes place. This event is free accessible and…

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8 Oct 2018

European Optical Society Biennial Meeting (EOSAM) 2018

Venue TU Delft Aula Conference Center, Delft, the Netherland   Important dates Submission timeframe: 1 December 2017- 15 April 2018 Informing authors…

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4 Oct 2018

Precision in Business Day at Punch Powertrain

Punch Powertrain: Supplier of high precision drive trains   Precision is not only to be found in delicate equipme nt and machinery. Also…

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6 Sep 2018

Precision Engineering in the last 40 years

Especially for the relations of the TU/e High Tech Systems Center and the Dutch Society for Precision Engineering we organised this seminar,…

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4 Sep 2018

DSPE conference on precision mechatronics 2018

The 4th DSPE conference on precision mechatronics took place on September 4-5, 2018 at the inspiring conference location De Ruwenberg in Sint…

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11 Jul 2018

YPN visits Bosch Rexroth

YPN                                          …

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4 Jun 2018

Euspen 18th International Conference & Exhibition

euspen’s international conference and exhibition provides a leading forum for industrialists and academics alike to review the best of world-wide industrial innovation,…

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17 May 2018

Dutch Machine Vision Conference

Venue Van der Valk Eindhoven This completely new conference focusses on trends in machine vision technology and offers a strong programme of…

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10 Apr 2018

Aachen Polymer Optics Days 2018

Aachen Polymer Optics Days (April 10-11, 2018) Experts from industry and research will give inspiring lectures relating to manufacturing options and potential…

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29 Mar 2018

PIB visits ASML – visitors report

Several times a year DSPE members are invited for a Precision in Business (PiB) Day with different technical themes.   ASML is…

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29 Mar 2018

From macro to micro

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YPN visit to JPE

From the ins and outs of a cold chopper for astronomy to the latest developments in nanopositioning systems, YPN’s visit to JPE on 6 June was a unique opportunity to learn all about their impressive projects in custom system design.

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First ECP2 Silver certificate lays…

Recently, the first ECP2 Silver certificate was awarded. ECP2 is the European certified precision engineering course programme that emerged from a collaboration between euspen and DSPE.

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DSPE appoints Martin van den…

Upon his retirement from ASML, Martin van den Brink was appointed honorary member of DSPE.

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