Laser weld, cut and deposit

Manufacturing Materials Mechanics
Mikroniek 2010-3 by Frans Zuurveen 2 April 2012

In Ditzingen near Stuttgart, the Trumpf Group organised its Technology Day on February 24 last. The day comprised demonstrations of many Trumpf laser welding and cutting machines, whose names without exception start with the prefix Tru. For example, it was shown how immense sheet metal parts for the automotive industry can be cut and welded on huge TruLaser Cell machines, with TruPulse, TruDisk and TruDiode as versatile laser sources. Also optical systems were shown that distribute laser energy to machining cells: precision technology on a large scale. On a smaller scale, Trumpf engineers showed how precision products that used to be milled from solid, can be realized at much lower prices in sheet metal.


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